Articles on: Sales Tax Autofile

Autofile Frequently Ask Questions

Sales Tax Autofile is the sales tax autofiling service provided by Sidr Tax. We use the sales tax reports generated from your Shopify transactions and file the state returns for you. Enroll in each state separately, and rest assured that your sales tax filing will happen on time.


When will you Autofile?

Autofile typically happens on the 10th of the filing month. For example, if your filing due date is on August 15th, we will file for you on August 10th.
If you would like to learn more about the filing schedule, review this article.

Can I see the report before you Autofile?

Absolutely! You can access your report at any time. Simply go to the Sidr Tax Autofile page, and there is a report button for each state. This will bring you the latest report that will be filed.

How much do I need to keep in the bank?

Sidr Tax provides you a monthly estimated remittance report before the filing. You can use the report to figure out how much to keep in the bank.
To learn more about the monthly estimated remittance report, review this article.

What if I have orders outside of Shopify?

Unfortunately, Sidr currently only supports Autofile with Shopify. You can provide us with additional data, such as wholesale CSV files, by chatting with us or emailing Our team will try our best to simplify your filings.

Do you support all the states?

Yes, Sidr Tax supports all the states!

How much does Sidr Tax Autofile cost?

Sidr Tax Autofile cost varies from $35 to $45 per file depending on your plan. We will only charge you after successful files. You have access to your filing history as long as your account is active. Shopify controls the billing cycle and will collect fees from you once a month.

How much time does it take to set up Autofile?

Please set aside another 15 minutes per state. Once you set up Autofile, your Sales Tax will become fully automated, making your time investment here worth it in the long run!

Do you provide vendor discounts?

Good that you asked! When filing timely, many states offer a vendor discount. Since Sidr Tax makes money by charging the filing fee, we pass all the vendor discounts onto you. The actual amount of discount varies by state and ranges from 0.5% - 5% of your total tax to remit. When choosing vendors, make sure that you know whether you are getting the vendor discounts.
To learn more about vendor discounts. review this article.

Do you help with backfiling?

In general, yes! However, there are limitations.
To learn more about our backfiling policy, review this article.

State DOR changed my filing frequency, what should I do?

Due to the sales volume changes, state DOR might change your filing frequency. If you have received a correspondence about the frequency change, please message us. Please review this article for more information about filing frequency changes.

How to I setup?

If you would like to setup Autofile, please review this article.

If you have additional questions, you can always chat with us in-app, or email us at

Updated on: 05/29/2024

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